In beijing, water supply is not portable. It is freaking cold. U hav to be brave to wash ur dishes, wash ur hands or brush ur teeth. And u completely cannot bathe. So Junjie n I took our laundry baskets and went to an abdandoned kitchen on the other end of the corridor, and with luck, found hot water supply. We filled em up wif hot water and used a mug i bought at the supermarket to bathe. We spammed the perfume in the toilet or else ur body would b cleaner than the bathroom.
Atmospheric temperature. COLD! Those who went in Dec'08 batch, wif boqing. Dun come n talk cock say u coldest winter solstice shit. We r freaking cold. Our max temp in the day is 1degrees today and last nite max temp is -5. I hav problem typing now cos my fingers are literally frozen. And evryth is frozen. And snow. Hot shit snow! Its not dandruff snow, its not blizzard, its rilly snow. We dun hav heater supply. Use one word to describe ur experience in Beijing so far? COLD!
Food sux.
Internet is rare. But thanks to John (thank god John came wif us) he fixed the linksys and evryone is DOTAing now. I hate DOTAers. They make mugging and sleeping difficult. Btw, u noe better than to call me rite? I bought a new SIM card and my number, if i can rmb correctly, is 15116962791.
We r going Birds Nest latr, yay! Oh btw, here r some pics. Im to lazy to put them in order or put commentary, but i'll try. Actually the order is like the first pic is most recent. And the pics r mostly self-explanatory.